Ararat Church is an interdenominational, multi-ethnic, Full Gospel Christian church. We are a family reaching out to "whosoever will" to bring hope and direction in an uncertain world. We cordially invite you to join us on the Mountain!
In April of 2019 the Lord put it in the heart of a family to start Ararat Church. This family has been in ministry for decades and has served as pastors, teachers, music directors, musicians, singers, prayer leaders, children’s ministers, media ministers, as well as a category best described as, whatever-was-needed. The family left all that they had worked for behind and answered the call to “step out of the boat onto the water with Jesus.” This family did not know until just a couple of weeks before the first service that they would be able to occupy the building of their dreams. Yet, against all earthly reason, with the favor of Almighty God, Ararat Church had its first service on September 1, 2019.
We are that family. We are Watsons and Leguizamons who bring with us other devoted family members (with other last names). But we all continue in the tradition of our father, grandfather, great-grandfather, spiritual father, and earthly hero, Bishop Harry Ararat Mushegan. He was a first-generation American whose parents narrowly escaped the Armenian genocide through their heeding of a prophetic warning. He ministered in the Atlanta area for over five decades, continuing to minister until the Lord took him to Heaven in 2013. His theme song was, “If I Can Help Somebody,” and he lived his life just like that.
As for us, we are a family who strives to reach out to other families and individuals to bring the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to disciple believers into becoming “special forces” for the Kingdom of God. We are interdenominational and Full Gospel. We believe in the soon coming of Jesus Christ and the need for revival among all nations. We are not interested in “church as usual,” nor do we subscribe to the mixed methods of so-called “seeker sensitive” churches. We love the Lord with all that is within us and desire to be conduits for His salvation, healing and deliverance!
Our structure may seem a little unusual in that the pulpit is occupied by three people: two sons (Senior Pastors Nathan and Noah Watson) and their mother (Janet Mushegan Watson, Founding Pastor along with Pastor Dan Watson). Other family members pastor, teach, minister to our children, sing, play instruments, occupy the sound booth, and do, well, what-ever-is-needed.
We invite “whosoever will” to come out onto the water with us as we follow our Lord!