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A Call for Repentance - Day 20: Forgive me Lord for harboring bad attitudes.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:31-32‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Once, when I was talking to the Lord about an offense that had been perpetrated against me, He answered me in a way that was, at first, perplexing.

The Holy Spirit clearly spoke to me, saying, “You need to repent of that.” Confused, I responded that I was the victim in this scenario. What the Lord then helped me to understand was that although I was the victim in terms of the offense, I had developed an attitude because of the offense that was now offensive to Him.

You see, as the Lord instructed me when I was facing another very similar situation, my attitude was actually saying that what had been done to me could somehow revoke God’s goodness and His plan for me.

I find it much easier now to let go of an offense, not allowing it to be a part of me in any way, knowing that continuing to nurse an offense, is offensive to the Lord.

Now, most people know a bad attitude when they see it. But to clarify, let’s look a little closer.

A bad attitude is actually what happens when we allow an offense (reaction or emotion to perceived personal affront) to inform our behavior (including our thoughts).

Face it, hurt happens. Disappointment happens. Injustice happens. Certainly, we don’t like everything that happens around us or to us. However, our part, as children of God, is to limit that reaction or emotion to the moment it happens and not allow it to become a bad attitude—a directing factor in terms of our lives.

Sadly, there are people whose lives are still being directed and affected by hurts they experienced decades ago!

You see, hurt can become a “rudder” in our lives directing in a certain direction, coloring everything, I mean EVERYTHING, we do!

Child of God. Our lives must be directed only by the Holy Spirit. Our thoughts must spring from the knowledge of God’s goodness. Our reactions must reflect God’s mercy.

Let’s repent of our bad attitudes. Let’s make sure we don’t walk in offense. Let’s access that mercy, faithfulness, healing, and newness of life, continually available to God’s children!

Peace to you.

Jesus is coming! Get ready for Him!

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